With so many things to talk about, let's see how long it takes before I become a babbling brook to you. (If anyone can catch the song reference in that last sentence, I'll love you forever.)
First, another awesome book blog, We Heart YA, posted a lovely link on their Facebook page today. I thought it was appropriate, so I decided to share it here. Ladies and gentlemen, the United States of Young Adult Lit!
Second, an update on why I haven't really posted many book reviews here: marching band. I've only read 2-3 books per month (including the sister read) since marching band started. How sad, right? However, in a kind of good news/bad news situation (good news for my reading and sleeping habits, bad news for my otherwise-nonexistent exercise regimen, excuse list, and musical variety), marching band is over! That was so important that I needed boldface! Now, I'll actually have time to read. In fact, here's a guarantee: if I don't read at least 5 non-school-related books in the month of November, I will do some sort of punishment assigned by S. There will be photos, and it'll go on my Facebook too so people, ya know, actually see it.
Unfortunately, just as my schedule is becoming more open, S will not be so available: November is NaNoWriMo! I do not participate in National Novel Writing Month, but S is a veteran to the event and will make it her first priority.
In case you're curious, there are three reasons I don't do NaNoWriMo:
- I feel as though one of the key qualifications to being a good writer is to have read many books--many, many more than I have. It helps you understand the concept of a novel as well as various styles and strategies to convey your message.
- I have no clue what I would write about. Most of the "moral messages" I'd want to send would parallel way too closely to my own life. Fictional works and autobiographical works don't exactly overlap.
- Between my lack of confidence and my lack of motivation, I would decide that my novel is stupid and not worth writing by November 3rd.
Well, that's all I've got on the book front. I'm sending thoughts, prayers, and general warm feelings to those affected by Hurricane Sandy (luckily, neither S nor I are even remotely close to that region). Stay safe and take comfort in what you can.
Amo quod amur,
Amo quod amur,
[I love because I am loved]