About Us

This blog was created by two sisters who enjoy their anonymity just as much as they enjoy books. We will be referred to as S and D.

About S:   S is a 20-something US native who has found herself living in London, UK working for an internationally known (yet still kept anonymous) organization. She's the English major and the writer of the two. She has completed National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) twice; her 2011 novel was titled All Change, and her 2012 novel was Riverbend. She loves trashy TV and Indian food, and it was her idea to start reading and reviewing books with her sister. (Though S may not remember it, she also had a lot to do with teaching D how to read in the first place.) Finally, S keeps another blog, The London Diaries, that discusses her adventures in London and a few of her own quirks...including monthly posts about books!

About D: D is a teenager who still lives back home in the United States and is most passionate for the performing arts. An orchestral musician, she freelances and plays in her local youth orchestra as well as school ensembles. Nonetheless, she has always been an avid reader, and her highest academic marks have always been in English. D also loves Youtube (though she does not make her own videos), ideas that make you question yourself, volunteer work, and Nerdfighting (DFTBA!). It was her idea to put S's creation on a public forum.

“Of two sisters one is always the watcher, one the dancer.” Louise Glück 
If this is true, S would be the watcher--the one always ready to support and advise and protect while still living her own life--and D the dancer--desperate to test her limits and potential.
This should tell you much more than our stupid little bios that D made up.

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